Volunteers have been busy this summer: digging and planting gardens, coaching Read2Soar,

organizing the library, tutoring math, creating new bulletin boards in the student hallways, participating in Sunday worship, various clinics, painting rooms, children's outreach and creating life long relationships. It has been so wonderful having past volunteers return and watching new volunteers experience all that God is doing at CORM. Read what volunteers have encountered and how God has impacted there time here.
"My 6 children and I have been at CORM for 4 of a 6 week stay. While I have been on mission before, this is a first time experience for my children. They have each embraced this experience thoroughly. We have had the privilege of helping in a variety of ways. Cleaning, organizing, farming, crafting, and making friends are just a few. Each of my children have
made a strong connection with at least one new friend. My kids feel very comfortable here and are serving with eager and happy hearts. I am proud that they are growing in their understanding of how things are different in other places, but that God’s people are everywhere! We continue to be excessively blessed by our time at CORM. We are planning to do family mission trips every summer!" Kristy Allinson
"The first time I came to CORM was in 2018. It was my first mission trip, my first time visiting an international country and I had no idea what to expect. After 48 hours of arrival, I knew that I would be back to serve here again very soon. The founders, Johnbull and Stacey Omorefe exemplify faith based leadership in every aspect of their organizational operations. The pure joy and love for Christ flows in abundance at every level, from the directors, the entire staff and in each one of the children. Playing with the the kids, engaging with teens and interacting with the adults is my favorite part of the trip. Connecting with people, learning from them or sharing with them in the presence of the Lord is something really special. If I had to chose one word to describe CORM, it would be LOVE. It makes you want to do every assignment with a deeper purpose and with greater intention to give back in any way possible. I’ve been blessed on all three of my trips to CORM and look forward to a fourth visit in the foreseeable future." Tracy Weatherly
These volunteers deserve respect!! I was reading the newsreader and got really impressed with the work they are doing for others.